Minimum 5% down payment from borrower’s own resources.
Remainder of down payment may be gifted from an immediate family member.
Borrowed down payment is not permitted.
Must have immigrated to Canada within the last 5 years.
Borrower is required to have permanent resident or landed immigrant status.
All work permits must be valid for a MINIMUM of 1 year from closing date of transaction.
Minimum 3 months of full time employment in Canada (professional employee relocation exempt from this requirement).
No delinquencies on credit bureaus, previous bankruptcies or foreclosures.
90.01% - 95% Loan to Value - International credit bureau OR 12 months rental payment history, confirmed via letter from the borrower’s landlord and supported by 12 months of Canadian bank statements confirming rental payments AND At least one utility payment confirmed via letter from the service provider or 12 months of bill statements confirming regular payments from Canadian sources.
Confirmation of landed immigrant status or a valid permanent resident card.
Letter of employment and/or letter of employee relocation, where applicable.
90% Loan to Value or Less - International credit bureau OR 6 months rental payment history, confirmed via letter from the borrower’s landlordand supported by 6 months of Canadian bank statements confirming rental payments AND At least one utility payment confirmed via letter from the service provider or 6 months of bill statements confirming regular payments from Canadian sources.
Confirmation of landed immigrant status, a valid permanent resident card OR a Valid Work Permit (confirmation of application of landed status required.)
Letter of employment and/or letter of employee relocation, where applicable.
If you are new to Canada and looking to purchase a home, let me work for you and make the process stressfree.
If you can afford to rent, chances are that you can afford to buy. Start building equity for your future by putting your monthly rent toward a monthly mortgage payment! ...more